SellingTricks of the Trade May 16, 2023

Simple ways to boost your home’s potential

If you plan to list your house in the foreseeable future, it’s crucial to do everything you can to maximize its potential. Increasing your home value not only makes it a better place to live, but ensures a quicker sale and higher price. While it might seem like a daunting task, there are some simple steps you can take to boost the potential of your home before putting it on the market.

Invest in curb appeal

Your house’s curb appeal may dictate how quickly your property sells. If you allocate time and resources to transform your home’s exterior from drab to fab, you may be able to reap the benefits of a speedy home sale.

You don’t need to completely overhaul your landscaping to benefit, either. Simple changes like mowing the lawn, adding container plants and repainting your front door all have a huge impact on a first impression.

Clean & declutter

Before you even put your home up for sale, take some time to do a deep clean and decluttering. Now’s the time to get rid of knickknacks and furniture that have accumulated over time to create a more open and inviting space.

It’s also a good time to neutralize your decor. This could mean anything from removing personal items to repainting your walls. Opt for light, neutral shades of paint and simple window treatments to highlight the best features of your home.

Hire a home inspector

Home inspectors are trained to find any possible issues with your home before it’s too late to deal with them. An inspection report will include details about major home systems and overall structural integrity.

Need help finding a great home inspector? Ask your real estate agent for a recommendation. Your agent can even help you with logistics and communication during the process.

While selling your home is a huge undertaking, there are small and simple ways to maximize its potential before it hits the market. Work with your real estate agent to prepare your home outside and in, and you’ll ensure a quick sale at a fair price.