SellingTricks of the Trade April 24, 2023

Top reasons to declutter your home before you list

Top reasons to declutter your home before you list featured image


When you’re ready to list your home on the market, you may want to take pictures and compose a listing description
right away. However, before doing these steps, it’s a great idea to declutter your home.


Give the illusion of more space


Not only does decluttering your home make the space more tidy and clean for viewing; it also gives the illusion the
property has more surface area.


When you declutter, it removes visual interruptions which could be a distraction from the property itself. With a
full view of the home, potential clients can get a better picture of what to expect from the home and also start to
visualize their lives within the space.


Decluttering depersonalizes the space


When you’re preparing your home for listing, it’s important to remember the space will soon belong to a potential
buyer. By decluttering the home and taking down personal photos and items, it opens the door for potential
homebuyers to envision their future in the space.


Quicker moving time


Decluttering your home can greatly cut down on the time it takes you to move out of a property. Doing an inventory
check of your belongings, you may find many old items that haven’t been used in a while.


Once you decide whether these items are of value or not, you can discard them – depending on your personal appraisal.
This, in turn, means fewer items to purchase moving boxes for and pack away.


Even though decluttering your home before listing may seem like a hassle, it can yield wonderful results for your
home selling journey.